Peer Reviewed Article What Makes a Successful President

Over the past few years the Graziadio Schoolhouse and Farmers' Insurance Grouping accept sponsored the Dean'south Executive Leadership Serial (DELS), which features in-depth interviews with today's acme business organization practitioners and thought leaders. Many of these discussions accept been on effective leadership. With the Wall Street scandals, the housing debacle (hyperlink no longer attainable), the mistrust of many politicians and authorities leaders, and the failure of too many media outlets to present factual and unbiased news, there is a critical demand for strong, values-driven leaders to sally.

Below are viii key attributes of effective leaders forth with words of communication from various DELS speakers on why they are then of import.


1. Leaders need grapheme, not charisma

William George, one-time chairman and CEO of Medtronics and author of True Northward: Discover Your Authentic Leadership:

The more than traditional view is to find somebody who is charismatic, who has a great manner, has a keen image. I retrieve this is nonsense…it'south counterproductive to the kind of leaders we demand. I think we need leaders with graphic symbol, with integrity, not image, and with substance, not mode. CEOs are not cut out to be charismatic in the classic sense of the word. I think they are cutting out, though, to be very empowering leaders of other people, and I think organizations that understand that develop those kinds of leaders from the beginning. Simply that so means y'all take leaders who are true to what they believe in, that tin can exist themselves. They know their values and they exercise those values every twenty-four hours especially under pressure. They build long-term connected relationships and they recognize they lead with their hearts, not just with their heads, and past that I mean they lead with pity, empathy, and courage. And those are really important those are all qualities of the heart, merely that's what makes a great leader.

2. Leaders need integrity, not conformity

Deborah Platt Majoras, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Merchandise Committee:

Beginning and foremost, a leader of an organization has to set up the tone for how decision making is going to be accomplished… One thing that I demand is that nosotros make decisions on the merits and without worrying just most which style the wind is blowing…I recall that is admittedly disquisitional. I think you lot've got to have the respect of your folks and the respect of your constituencies outside so you have to have integrity.

Priscilla Stewart-Jones, senior vice president of man resources for McKesson Corporation, U.South. Pharmaceutical Group:

My begetter was a minister, so I grew up in an environment where values were important. It was always: "Practice the correct things. Do unto others not only as y'all would have them exercise unto you, but every bit they would want to exist done unto them. Be respectful: Follow through on what you say you're going to do. Integrity, integrity, integrity." Integrity besides means being transparent, it also means communicating…it's no longer business as usual and it'due south no longer leading as usual. A strong leader is both accurate and bold while always being grounded in true values.

3. Leaders need to serve, non exist served

Robert Simpson, president and COO of Jelly Belly Candy Company:

You've got to be willing to exercise information technology…our owner has built a culture and he'southward done it by if there is a paper on the floor, he'll pick it up. If something's broken, he'll set it right so. If there's a mess over at that place, he'll stop what he'south doing and clean it up himself. He won't inquire for help. He won't expect anybody to run over and help him. Now, that sends a very powerful message to the residual of the organization [that] in that location is nothing beneath anyone there.

4. Leaders demand to create teams, not silos

Robert Simpson of Jelly Belly Candy Company:

Information technology's really all well-nigh your own personal relationships you accept with each other. I enjoy interacting with people and helping them accomplish across their accomplishment goals that gives me the greatest sense of pleasure. I'm not the good and I've ever made a practice of hiring a lot of smart people…much smarter than I am. Only it'south all well-nigh the team, information technology'south all about the business, and it'southward all virtually what we tin get achieved together…ane thing that I do bring and I insist upon is [that] working together is not an option that's what we do and we all win together.

5. Leaders demand to communicate a vision, non ambivalence

Kathryn Karlic, president of institutional sales and marketing for GE Nugget Direction (GEAM):

I was brash long ago if you're a leader, you're the one that sets vision and that is your chore. To set vision you lot accept to be a clear thinker considering there'south a lot of data that comes at you from so many places. There is then much noise and individuals are depending upon you to be a clear thinker, being able to communicate that, and communicate that, and communicate that over again. You've got to reinforce it.

Julia Stewart, chairman and CEO, of DineEquity, Inc.:

It's incumbent upon us equally leaders to make certain that people not only empathise the vision but they believe in it. And so what actually happened to us in this environment that is unprecedented is that we as concern leaders had to sit downwardly and say, "What kinds of things should we exist doing differently and what should stay the aforementioned?"

6. Leaders need courage, non popularity

Julia Stewart of DineEquity, Inc.:

Did y'all stay at a Marriott Courtyard or a $450 Ritz Hotel? Did you lot take a cab or did yous accept a driver? Did y'all cut things that yous thought were important for you or for the visitor? Did you make choices that benefited a few or benefited all?… More than than any other time, employees are looking at leadership and asking, "What are you doing for me and what are you doing to ensure our fate?" …And what that tells you is employees want that vision and that direction and that leadership, but they also want y'all to make the hard choices and the correct choices for the business. It's probably the toughest matter I think we every bit leaders do because, in any given 24-hour interval, or fourth dimension, or choice you make, it's not necessarily going to make everybody happy. But you have to practise what's right for the company and what yous believe will sustain you into the future.

vii. Leaders demand to develop new leaders, not sycophants

Priscilla Stewart-Jones of McKesson Corporation, U.Due south. Pharmaceutical Group:

For me, 1 of the things that you lot do as a leader is really have the responsibility of identifying talent and identifying individuals that accept potential within your organization, and they may be on your team or they may be in other parts of the system, and at times they tin even exist peers. And then, frankly, volunteering, going to them and offering ways that y'all can support them. On occasion that might only be a candid conversation to say, "I'd really like to aid you with your career, permit's talk most that. How can I assist you? What are some opportunities, what are some problems or concerns that you lot take, and how tin I support you in that regard?"

8. Leaders need a sense of vocation, non just a career

To the above comments, I would add together that a leader needs to have a vocation, a calling beyond personal and career goals, beyond training and skills. Vocation brings a sense of purpose and meaning to behave on the work and enhances the leader'southward value. A leader needs to have the will and the passion to create a meliorate company, a better organisation, a ameliorate society.


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